Springer Law Group
Top Rated Law Firm in Chesapeake, Virginia who’s Primary Focus is on Real Estate Transactions and Litigation.
Kedron A. Springer, Esq. practicing law since 2004
Springer Law Group was established in 2010
Our Law Firm’s Primary Focus is on Real Estate Transactions & Litigation
Kedron A. Springer, Esq. has been practicing law since 2004 with a primary focus on real estate transactions and litigation. In 2010, Kedron founded Springer Law Group as a solo practitioner. Since that time, she has added more attorneys to the team and ten staff members to manage a thriving growing law practice.
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Springer Law Group
It Is Important That We Form Relationships
With Our Clients That Will Last A Lifetime.
Springer Law Group understands the importance of personal service, we have flexible office hours. We are also willing to meet with clients in locations other than our office.